- In English, nouns can be singular or plural. 英语中,名词有单复数之分。
- The noun fish can be construed as singular or plural. 名词fish可用作单数或复数
- The nounfish can be construed as singular or plural. 名词fish可用作单数或复数
- Pronouns and nouns can be singular or plural in grammatical number. 代词和名词在语法上可以是单数或复数。
- Words using the singular or plural number also include the plural or singular number. 采用单数或复数的单词也包括复数或单数。
- The best way to avoid such an error is always to use either singular or plural in naming classes. 在类的层次中,同时包括同一概念的单数和复数,并且把前者作为后者的一个子类。
- Whenever the singular or plural number, or the masculine, feminine or neuter gender is used in these Articles, it shall equally, where the context admits, include the others. 无论本《公司章程》中使用的词是单数、复数,阴性、阳性还是中性,根据上下文,彼此都应该互相包含。
- If the Term Extraction transformation is configured to extract only nouns, only the words that are tagged as singular or plural forms of nouns and proper nouns are extracted. 如果将字词提取转换配置为仅提取名词,那么将只提取标记为单数或复数形式的名词和专有名词的单词。
- Singular or plural? 单数或复数?
- Pronouns All pronouns and any variations thereof shall be deemed to refer to the masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the person, persons, entity or entities may require. 代词.;所有代词及其变形被认为是指阳性、性或中型,单数或复数,因为人(们)实体本身可能需要。
- Is 'data' singular or plural? Data 是单数还是复数
- "In English, nouns can be singular or plural." "英语中,名词有单复数之分。"
- The indication,as by inflection,of the singularity or plurality of a linguistic form. 数如通过屈折变化对语言形式单数或复数的标示
- The indication, as by inflection, of the singularity or plurality of a linguistic form. 数如通过屈折变化对语言形式单数或复数的标示
- Use3 rd person or plural instead1 st person singular in your summary. 在你的总结中使用第三人称或者复数人称而不是第一人称但数。
- Use 3rd person or plural instead 1st person singular in your summary. 在你的总结中使用第三人称或者复数人称而不是第一人称但数。
- The singular form of the verb is always used with a compound or plural subject. 动词的单数形式总是和复合,复数的主语连用。"
- A countable noun can be both singular - a friend, a house, etc. - or plural - a few apples, lots of trees, etc. 一个可数的名词可以是都单数-一个朋友、一个房子等等-或复数-几个苹果、许多树等等。
- A countable noun can be both singular - a friend, a house, etc.- or plural - a few apples, lots of trees, etc. 一个可数的名词可以是都单数-一个朋友、一个房子等等-或复数-几个苹果、许多树等等。
- Options are either singular or have an accompanying value. 选项或是单一的,或是伴随有一个值。